Bianka Black         

Multimedia Performance Artist



Contrast is beautiful. Words have power. Music is Magic. 

This is my welcome page or digital portal to my world. All of the photography, writing, art, film, and music on these pages are my original work unless otherwise specified. I sincerely hope you will credit me if you decide to use or share my work. 

On this site you will find examples of my some of my work, links to other projects, ways to connect with me, ways to commission work, as well as content I've written for you to enjoy about gardening, travel, creative stimulation, mental health, geopolitical concerns, esoteric subjects, philosophy, progressive thinking, music, and photography. 

Ultra HD and high quality versions of all examples of photography and art on this site are available as downloads and high-quality prints. 

I have an active blog- GenHexer. If you want to engage in commentary over my work, please go to social media.



One of five in my "Doors of Tallinn" series

Every choice in life is a door opened, a door closed, or a door walked passed. In this world full of marketing, branding and selling ourselves we sometimes don't see the creative doors of opportunity we walk past everyday. We spend our time too often in with useless comparison striving to be like someone else. Finding our unique voice is hard in world of echoes. The doorways to creative satisfaction, conscious impact, and an energetic happy existence still exist everywhere because they are inside of us all. 

Sometimes a physical manifestation of an idea can serve as a reminder of an important truth. This collage, one in a series of the many creative doors in Tallinn, Estonia I photographed individually does that for me.

Sometimes we have to dig to the bottom of the box pull out just the right idea and then put all our creative tools back to find and utilize the one thing we need to get started on our journey. Sometimes creativity is laid out before us like a happy feast just waiting for us to take our seat.

Leslie Miller and Gregory Mulkern at a table of delights

sample of my product photography of a local artist's witch bottle

I've been all over the world I am fascinated by what I see on stage, and in nature. I love the odd facets of the built world and how they make unintentional art against the horizon. Every moment thousands of intriguing images, stories, and art surround us. Sometimes looking up helps too. 

Little handmade fence in Iceland

Võsu rand

Nathan Wakefield juggling on a bed of nails at a live show 

Jess at a backyard side show

Margate England, one of the great artists towns in England

Dwayne in Studio

Swallowtail on Sweet Williams

Tug boat in early morning Grays Harbor fog in Hoquiam Washington

PVC art  in Downtown Detroit 

The only inescapable limit to creating is time. 

Flowers and what the small members of our living world do with the blooms of beauty interest me endlessly both as a gardener and photographer. Such colors on both the blooms and their visitors fascinates me. Noticing the small things in life and nature holds the key to happiness and presence of mind in creative pursuits, in our daily lives, and even in our relationships. 


Sleeping bumble bee

Hummingbird moth, lacewing 


Goth glads


Honey bee


Monarch cat on milkweed

When we redirect our thinking away from perfectionism, negativity bias, and incomplete comparison we can see creative spark everywhere.

Deluxx Fluxx Downtown Detroit

Pedestrian Bridge in Krakow

Peacock playing soccer on Brokaw Ranch

Nain Rouge Parade Detroit

Side show fellow

This is me standing in front of my Tarot screen I use for readings

Sign above a chocolate shop in Riga, Latvia